Senior Software Developer and Engineering Manager
Runa HR⦁ 2019-Present
- Started as a Senior Software Developer leading a team of three developers
- Improved the CI/CD process
- Became an engineering manager and managed the performance and growth of 12 engineers
- Tech Lead of one squad
- Product Owner of two squads
Senior Software Developer
Grover ⦁ 2018-2020
- Supported the rails app
- Created new microservices using rails and node.js
- Implemented a referrals program using voucherify
- Implementation with Kafka + Rails
Senior Software Developer
SquareOffs ⦁ 2017-2019
- Development and bug fixing of a legacy Rails + Jquery App
- Migrated from Rails 3 to Rails 4
- Migrated from Rails 4 to Rails 5
Senior Software Developer
POSPulse ⦁ 2018
- Integrated two two code bases in one app
- Worked in core and API microservices in Ruby on Rails 5
- Developed front end code in ReactJS
Senior Software Developer
GAP (Growth Acceleration Partners) ⦁ 2016-2017
- Developed and supported multiple applications in order to help administration at a University
- Reviewed and implemented best practices and software architectures
- Code review and pair programming
Senior Software Developer
Encast ⦁ 2016
- Developed 3 applications in Ruby on Rails 3 and integrated them using a microservices pattern
- Reviewed and implemented best practices and software architectures
- Code review and pair programming
- Setup vagrant environments
Tech Leader
Sena ⦁ 2016
- Lead a team of 4 junior developers on projects that were overdue
- Reviewed and implemented best practices and software architectures
- Code review and pair programming
- Setup EC2 servers and deployment scripts with Capistrano
Senior Software Developer
Globant ⦁ 2014-2016
- Developed an application to generate excel reports in Ruby on Rails stack
- Designed and implemented a wrapper of the customer API
- Automated the deployment process with mina with 3 environments
- Setup EC2 Ubuntu servers
Software Developer ans Software Leader Developer
SPS LTDA ⦁ 2012-2015
- Developed two modules of a financial platform with Ruby on Rails
- Analysis and design of the platform
- Developed a “switch” to process debit and credit card payments of Visionamos NET
- Lead a team of four developers based in Ruby on Rails stack
- Designed the software architecture of the web application ERP for a financial enterprise
- Reviewed and assigned tasks to developers
- Automated the deployment process of 5 servers with Capistrano
Software Development Consultant and Trainer Consultant
Visionamos ⦁ 2014
- Developed a set of requirements in a Ruby on Rails app
- Printed receipts in a thermal printer through Web Sockets + Java + Javascript
- Trained a team of 8 developers in ruby basics (Classes, Inheritance, Loops, DB Connections)
- Trained a team of 4 developers in ruby on rails advanced topics (Decorators, Concerns, BDD with rspec EmberJS, API designs)
Senior Software Developer
EAFIT University ⦁ 2011-2013
- Developed a web application in Ruby on Rails
- Deployed an application using EC2, apache and passenger