
Senior Software Developer in Bogotá, Colombia

Rubén is a Colombian developer with a MSc in Engineering. He has 10+ years of experience working as full stack developer in companies of various sizes, from startups to software agencies. Rubén also has experience as anEngineering manager and tech lead. He loves being  a team player, regardless of which role he is in.

Most of the projects Rubén has worked on were based in Ruby on Rails, Javascript, CSS, and databases such as MySQL, Postgresql, and MongoDB. His experience with startups helped learn how to manage the process of deployment and management of systems on services like AWS, Digital Ocean, Heroku.

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Ruby On Rails


Senior Software Developer and Engineering Manager
Runa HR⦁ 2019-Present

  • Started as a Senior Software Developer leading a team of three developers
  • Improved the CI/CD process
  • Became an engineering manager and managed the performance and growth of 12 engineers
  • Tech Lead of one squad
  • Product Owner of two squads

Senior Software Developer
Grover ⦁ 2018-2020

  • Supported the rails app
  • Created new microservices using rails and node.js
  • Implemented a referrals program using voucherify
  • Implementation with Kafka + Rails

Senior Software Developer
SquareOffs ⦁ 2017-2019

  • Development and bug fixing of a legacy Rails + Jquery App
  • Migrated from Rails 3 to Rails 4
  • Migrated from Rails 4 to Rails 5

Senior Software Developer
POSPulse ⦁ 2018

  • Integrated two two code bases in one app
  • Worked in core and API microservices in Ruby on Rails 5
  • Developed front end code in ReactJS

Senior Software Developer
GAP (Growth Acceleration Partners) ⦁ 2016-2017

  • Developed and supported multiple applications in order to help administration at a University
  • Reviewed and implemented best practices and software architectures
  • Code review and pair programming

Senior Software Developer
Encast ⦁ 2016

  • Developed 3 applications in Ruby on Rails 3 and integrated them using a microservices pattern
  • Reviewed and implemented best practices and software architectures
  • Code review and pair programming
  • Setup vagrant environments

Tech Leader
Sena ⦁ 2016

  • Lead a team of 4 junior developers on projects that were overdue
  • Reviewed and implemented best practices and software architectures
  • Code review and pair programming
  • Setup EC2 servers and deployment scripts with Capistrano

Senior Software Developer
Globant ⦁ 2014-2016

  • Developed an application to generate excel reports in Ruby on Rails stack
  • Designed and implemented a wrapper of the customer API
  • Automated the deployment process with mina with 3 environments
  • Setup EC2 Ubuntu servers

Software Developer ans Software Leader Developer
SPS LTDA ⦁ 2012-2015

  • Developed two modules of a financial platform with Ruby on Rails
  • Analysis and design of the platform
  • Developed a “switch” to process debit and credit card payments of Visionamos NET
  • Lead a team of four developers based in Ruby on Rails stack
  • Designed the software architecture of the web application ERP for a financial enterprise
  • Reviewed and assigned tasks to developers
  • Automated the deployment process of 5 servers with Capistrano

Software Development Consultant and Trainer Consultant
Visionamos ⦁ 2014

  • Developed a set of requirements in a Ruby on Rails app
  • Printed receipts in a thermal printer through Web Sockets + Java + Javascript
  • Trained a team of 8 developers in ruby basics (Classes, Inheritance, Loops, DB Connections)
  • Trained a team of 4 developers in ruby on rails advanced topics (Decorators, Concerns, BDD with rspec EmberJS, API designs)

Senior Software Developer
EAFIT University ⦁ 2011-2013

  • Developed a web application in Ruby on Rails
  • Deployed an application using EC2, apache and passenger


MSc, Engineering
EAFIT University​, Medellín, Colombia

BSc, Engineering
EAFIT University​, Medellín, Colombia


English, Spanish


Senior Software Developer in Bogotá, Colombia

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