
Senior Java Developer in Timiş, Romania

Mihai is an experienced software developer focused on providing solutions that help clients scale their business. He’s passionate about creating scalable and secure web-services using either Java or Kotlin as his go to programming languages.

In his personal time personal time, Mihai enjoys spending time with family, skiing or playing a game of football (the EU version :)).

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Spring Stack
Spring Boot
Architecture Design
Batch Processing


Senior Java Developer
PAYNXT (UnifiedPost) ⦁ 2015 - Present

Platform specialized in payments processing. Offers companies of all sizes payment solutions that help them collect founds very easily from their customers. Based on the customer and their needs the products range from traditional card schemes (Visa/Mastercard) to more localized schemes like Bancontact(BE)/iDeal(NL) or even PSD2 (AIS/PIS) products


  • Bootstrap the project as the first developer on this project
  • Picked the tech stack
  • Develop new features
  • Perform code reviews
  • Represent the technical team on interactions with 3rd parties
  • Participated in technical interviews
  • The platform was built using a stateless service oriented architecture and also takes advantage of different modern approaches, like cloud deployment, to solve availability and performance problems
  • Technologies: Spring Boot, JPA (Hibernate), Quartz, Liquibase, AWS-S3, AWS-KMS, AWS-RDS (Postgresql)

Java Developer
PowertoPay (UnifiedPost) ⦁ 2013 - 2015

Versatile platform that helps large and medium sized businesses automate and enhance their banking interactions. It connects to some of the biggest banks in Europe and also the Swift network to offer a multitude of features related to the companies financial flows. High-availability and performance are essential to this platform.


  • Implement new features based on requirements / review bug reports and implement fixes
  • Perform code reviews
  • Involved in choosing the right technology for new features
  • Offer input during estimation phase
  • Act as support for help desk when technical help was needed
  • Technologies: Frontend - PlayFramework, Knockout JS, Bootstrap, Backend - JEE, Dropwizard, Quartz, Liquibase, Database - MySQL

Java Developer
Lingo24 ⦁ 2011-2013

Lingo24 is a world leading translation company. Worked on the java team, more precisely the team managing the ordering system. The orders where placed through web interface or email (pattern recognition through Regex).


  • Implement new features based on requirements / review bug reports and implement fixes
  • Perform code reviews
  • Offer input during estimation phase
  • Act as support for help desk when technical help was needed
  • Technologies: Frontend - Wicket, Jquery, HTML/CSS, Backend - Java 7, Hibernate, AndroMDA (UML Modeling), Jersey, Others - Ant, Maven, SVN, GIT

Data Integration Specialist
Microsoft ⦁ 2009 - 2011


Bachelors Degree in Economics
West University of Timisoara, Timișoara, Romania


English, Romanian


Senior Java Developer in Timiş, Romania

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