
Frontend Specialist in Medellín, Colombia

Miguel is passionate about building beautiful, usable and meaningful apps that people love to use. His favorite language is Javascript and his favorite stack is Javascript on the front end and NodeJS in the back end.

One of Miguel’s favorite projects was an app called Zebra which was similar to Uber, however focused on providing gas to clients’ cars. There were two apps, one for the drivers and one for clients. Whenever a client wanted to fill their car tank and avoid a trip to the gas station, they made a request on the app. The drivers would then receive a message with the location of the client’s car through a websocket connection. The driver would then proceed to the destination to fill the car tank.

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React Native
React Router
Apple Pay
Web Sockets


Senior Software Engineer
Livevox ⦁ 2019 - Present

  • Worked as a Software Engineer maintaining and building new features for their applications stack

Front End Engineer
Selina ⦁ 2018 - 2019

  • Worked as a Web UI Developer maintaining and building new features for their booking system and web app using HTML, CSS, ReactJS, Redux, GraphQL

Web UI Developer
Globant ⦁ 2018

  • Worked as a Front End Engineer building web applications using ReactJS, Redux, React-Router and mobile apps using Cordova and React-Native

Front End Engineer
Monoku ⦁ 2015 - 2018

  • Worked as a Front End engineer building web applications using ReactJS, Redux, React-Router and mobile apps using Cordova and React-Native


TNS (Cordova App)

  • As a Front-End Engineer, lead the maintenance and creation of new features requested by the client using Cordova, HTML, CSS, JS, React, Rest, Apple Pay and Stripe to charge the users in in-app purchases

TNS (React Native App)

  • As a Front-End Engineer, was in charge of building a mobile application from scratch using React Native, React, Redux, React-router, Rest, iOS APIs among others. The application was designed to allows users to rent chargers for phones

Zebra (User and Driver Apps)

  • As a Front-End Engineer, was in charge of building two applications that communicate with each other using web sockets. The user app lets users request a service to fill their car's tank. The driver app lets drivers receive requests from users to fill their car's tank. Tech stack: ReactJS, Web sockets, Rest, HTML, CSS, and Cordova among others


Systems Engineering, Computer Science
Universidad del Sinú - Elías Bechara Zainúm, Córdoba, Colombia


English, Spanish


Frontend Specialist in Medellín, Colombia

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