Senior Front End Developer
Freelance ⦁ 2020 - Present
- Short term contract role helping meet client deadlines developing conversational UI for the insurance industry
- Technologies: React, TypeScript, Node.js, Hapi, Git, SASS, Webpack, Github, NPM, AWS
Senior Front End Developer
Z Energy ⦁ 2018 - 2020
- Contract role developing a customer facing online application form for loyalty card applications and a separate administration site for 3rd party customer service reps to manage applications
- Technologies: Vue, Vuex, Git, Vuetify, TypeScript, SASS, LESS, Azure, NPM, Jira
Senior Front End Developer
BNZ ⦁ 2017-2018
- Provided technical advice and direction for the Front end
- Worked in an agile environment
- Identified, created and helped to prioritize front end stories
- Helped maintain and manage releases for UI toolkit library and other shared components. Provided guidance and code reviews to front end developers
- Technologies: Angular 5+, TypeScript, Git, RxJs, Redux, SASS, Webpack, OpenShift, NPM, Jira
Senior Front End Developer
BuildDirect ⦁ 2016 - 2017
- Worked with different teams to add new feature's and perform bug fixes
- Created new React components and fixed bugs in existing code
- Created build pipelines and deployment tools for front end files using AWS and Jenkins
- Provided guidance and code reviews to front end developers
- Technologies: CSS/3, HTML/5, React, Git, SASS, ES6/7, Webpack, Node.js, Jenkins, AWS,, Jira
Senior Front End Developer
Xero ⦁ 2015-2016
- Part of a team performing bug fixes and adding new features to the core products.
- Provided guidance and code reviews to more junior front end and backend developers
- Part of team providing architectural decisions around new technologies used for front end
- Implemented static code analysis (eslint) to existing code base to improve quality of new code
- Created new features and fixed bugs in existing code
- Technologies: CSS/3, HTML/5, React, Git, SASS, ES6/7, Grunt/Gulp, Node.js, Ext.js,
Front End Developer
Teksystems ⦁ 2013-2014
- Worked on front end projects implementing creative designs for the and websites. Projects required communicating with Business Owners, Creative, TechOp's, QA and other developers to reach successful outcomes using Agile and Scrum methodologies
- Provided technical advice and time estimates to creative/design teams and PM's Implementing responsive designs using Bootstrap and CSS3
- Worked on backend projects including:
- Maintaining and updating content for a custom PHP framework
- Implementing redesign changes using PHP to the Wordpress site
- Wordpress MySQL database merge scripts written in SQL, PHP and shell scripting
- Node.js base page/url checking script
- Helping other developers with environment set up: Apache con guration, MySQL, SVN setup, deploy process
- Technologies: CSS/3, HTML/5, Javascript, jQuery, Wordpress, Responsive Design, PHP, Node.js, MySQL, SQL, Bootstrap, SVN, Photoshop/F
Windows 8 App Development
Contract Development ⦁ 2013
- Created a Windows 8 App for Microsoft
- Set up CSS grid layout
- Implemented Graph/Charts and underlying data
- Technologies: CSS/3, HTML/5, Javascript, Windows 8 App
Web Developer
Terralink International ⦁ 2011-2013
- Maintained and monitored performance of Postgres and MongoDB Databases
- Ruby on Rails development
- Front end design and development of websites
- Application deployments and server maintenance
- Providing after hours on call support for servers and applications
- Maintained a dataset based on 3rd party API's
- Maintained existing PHP and Ruby on Rails web sites
- Data maintenance and data load scripts
- Node.js application with Postgres database fetching data from a 3rd party JSON API
- Technologies: CSS/3, HTML/5, Javascript, Postgres, Node.js, MongoDB, noSQL, PHP, Linux, Admin, jQuery, SVN, SQL, Git, JSON, API's, UX/UI Design, Responsive Design, LESS, Photoshop/Fireworks, MySQL
Front End Web Developer
Wialus Solutions ⦁ 2009-2011
- A cellular network coverage web application based around Google maps
- Internal time recording system for time-sheets - utilizing a exible input system allowing for multiple entry formats
- Set up and implemented PHP Zend Framework for applications
- Public facing Website - set up database, created backend using PHP and Zend Framework. Was given design to work to, created CSS and HTML
- Majority of work was Ajax based web sites/applications using jQuery with a PHP and MySQL backend
- Technologies: CSS, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, Google Maps API's, PHP, SQL, MySQL, Ext.js, Database Design
Web Developer
Allfields Customised Solutions ⦁ 2006-2008
- Developed web solutions using a variety of different technologies and languages, including PHP, mySQL, Visual Basic ASP, MSSQL, MS Access database using VBA
- Liaised with clients in order to develop web solutions
- Helped to train new employees
- Worked with a variety of different people in order to find out the requirements for each website
- Technologies: CSS, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL