Software Developer
EHCGroup Consultores ⦁ 2018-Present
- Migrated frontend from Angular to React, adapting it to changes in the API, of a web application used for the creating cryptographic signatures
- Improved the design, usability, and code quality of the product web site.
Software Developer and Server Administrator ⦁ 2016 - 2017
- Carried out full‑stack development of projects that made part of an online educational platform used in several schools of California, such as a UI for editing and installing code into an Arduino board
- Designed and developed applications that allowed interactions between the platform and electronic equipment made for the platform, for the purpose of storing streams of measurements and rendering graphs
- Created browser extensions (Javascript extensions in Chrome on Chrome OS, C++ in Internet Explorer and C in Edge on Windows) for installing hex files into an Arduino board and receiving sensor data through the serial port
- Built a REST API for recording measurement data and photographs sent by Raspberry Pi boards used by schools
- Conducted weekly meetings with another software company to collaborate in an internship project of an MIT Mechanical Engineering student related to the aforementioned API
Software Developer and Server Administrator
Saygent ⦁ 2014-2015
- Carried out full‑stack development of extensions for a POS used by Samsung stores in the US, to allow renting mobile devices
- Provided technical support to clerks
- Made sure customer data, such as credit card numbers, was handled securely
Software Developer
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Justicia ⦁ 2013
- Set up platform of geo-referenced forms and messages (Ushahidi), modifying it as needed and integrating it with an SMS Gateway running on Android
Software Developer and Server Administrator
Coderbuddy ⦁ 2010 - 2012
- Developed an online platform, using the Django framework, for creating Python web apps that ran on Google App Engine
- Built a system for launching small virtual servers on demand that worked as testing environments for the web apps developed within the platform
Department of Mathematics, MIT ⦁ 2009
- Graded weekly problem sets for the Probabilities course during the spring semester of 2009
Research Assistant
Department of Linguistics, MIT ⦁ 2008
- Built a tool in Python for programmatically generating stimuli for experiments
yuyo (
- Minimalist functional Javascript framework (work in progress)
- Based on ideas from Category Theory and Linear Algebra
- Allows asynchronous manipulation of streams of data
cbcpad (
- Python implementation of the padding oracle attack on CBC with PKCS 7 padding