
Senior Software Developer in Panama City, Panama

Gabriel has 10+ years of experience creating software in agile collaboration environments. He is a product engineer with experience applying a diverse set of technologies for solving novel problems alongside remote teams.

Gabriel works professionally in Python and Javascript with most of his backend experience in Node.js. He also has experience working with lower-level languages. For example, he built a browser plugin for installing hex files into Arduino through the browser using C++. Gabriel also enjoys learning about ancient natural languages, Category Theory in relation to programming languages, and cryptography.

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Software Developer
EHCGroup Consultores ⦁ 2018-Present

  • Migrated frontend from Angular to React, adapting it to changes in the API, of a web application used for the creating cryptographic signatures
  • Improved the design, usability, and code quality of the product web site.

Software Developer and Server Administrator ⦁ 2016 - 2017

  • Carried out full‑stack development of projects that made part of an online educational platform used in several schools of California, such as a UI for editing and installing code into an Arduino board
  • Designed and developed applications that allowed interactions between the platform and electronic equipment made for the platform, for the purpose of storing streams of measurements and rendering graphs
  • Created browser extensions (Javascript extensions in Chrome on Chrome OS, C++ in Internet Explorer and C in Edge on Windows) for installing hex files into an Arduino board and receiving sensor data through the serial port
  • Built a REST API for recording measurement data and photographs sent by Raspberry Pi boards used by schools
  • Conducted weekly meetings with another software company to collaborate in an internship project of an MIT Mechanical Engineering student related to the aforementioned API

Software Developer and Server Administrator
Saygent ⦁ 2014-2015

  • Carried out full‑stack development of extensions for a POS used by Samsung stores in the US, to allow renting mobile devices
  • Provided technical support to clerks
  • Made sure customer data, such as credit card numbers, was handled securely

Software Developer
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Justicia ⦁ 2013

  • Set up platform of geo-referenced forms and messages (Ushahidi), modifying it as needed and integrating it with an SMS Gateway running on Android

Software Developer and Server Administrator
Coderbuddy ⦁ 2010 - 2012

  • Developed an online platform, using the Django framework, for creating Python web apps that ran on Google App Engine
  • Built a system for launching small virtual servers on demand that worked as testing environments for the web apps developed within the platform

Department of Mathematics, MIT ⦁ 2009

  • Graded weekly problem sets for the Probabilities course during the spring semester of 2009

Research Assistant
Department of Linguistics, MIT ⦁ 2008

  • Built a tool in Python for programmatically generating stimuli for experiments

yuyo (

  • Minimalist functional Javascript framework (work in progress)
  • Based on ideas from Category Theory and Linear Algebra
  • Allows asynchronous manipulation of streams of data

cbcpad (

  • Python implementation of the padding oracle attack on CBC with PKCS 7 padding


Completed Two years of a BSc in Mathematics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts


English, Spanish


Senior Software Developer in Panama City, Panama

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