
Senior Software Engineer in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Adrián started working professionally around 2006. Since then, he’s worked with different languages, frameworks, methodologies, companies and teams in multiple countries. Adrián's experience is mostly related to web development, however, he feels quite comfortable trying new things. Adrian previously lived in Dublin and Barcelona before moving to Buenos Aires.

Learning from the people he works with is a must. Adrián believes in sharing and making ideas grow as opposed to working alone. He considers himself a team player and rather than being a cowboy coder, he likes the team to be in good spirits. “A good coder is not the one that perfectly remembers functions’ names, regular expressions, etc, but the one who can think algorithmically, considering performance, and last, but not least, caring about the team's health.”

Adrián is also a yoga lover and cat enthusiast.

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SQL Server


JavaScript Engineer
Clevertech ⦁ 2019 - Present

  • Contracted as a Javascript Engineer to work for Suffolk’s project called CostLab
  • The project covered every aspect of creation, growth and development of construction estimates. Main responsibilities are related to adding new features and updating existing ones to continue the planned expansion of this product
  • Stack: React, Redux, Webpack, Sass, PostgreSQL, Node.js

Senior React Dev
Spirit Consulting ⦁ 2018 - 2019

  • Contracted as a freelancer to work on the newest Omnipro’s Customer Hub. A platform for all its customers to administer subscriptions, payments, reports, and notifications
  • Small team of three from Dublin, Ireland. Working on a fully responsive one page website implementing Single sign-on (SSO) and Full Rest API connecting to WooCommerce among others
  • Stack: React, Redux, Webpack, Sass, Bootstrap, .Net Core, Azure’s Blob Storage, SQL Server

Senior React Dev
Luna Moons ⦁ 2018

  • Contracted to work on Luna’s main project PACK. An all-in-one planning and booking platform for planning travels
  • Small team of five from Austin, Texas. Working on a fully responsive one page website integration with different third party APIs (Google, Marriott, PlayPass, Hertz)
  • Stack: Django, React, Redux, Sass, Bootstrap, .Net Core, Firebase, PostgreSQL, Jira

Senior .Net Dev
City Wonders ⦁ 2014 - 2018

  • Hired to work with a small team on City Wonders’ project Everest. Splitting time between business analyst and coding
  • Working from the office in Dublin, Ireland, built a back office system to support tours management, booking, purchasing and logistics operations based on new procedures
  • Stack: .Net, MVC4, C#, jQuery, Entity Framework, MSSQL, TeamCity, Scrum, TDD, Jira

Senior GIS Engineer
GCBA ⦁ 2014

  • Hired to work for the City Government’s maps system: “Mapa Interactivo de Buenos Aires.” Maintanance and expansion of the current system
  • Worked on projects: Buenos Aires Playa, SBASE
  • Stack: Solr, GeoDjango (Python + Django + Spatial Database + Geospatial libraries), Scrum


Bachelor of Arts, Computer Sciences
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina


English, Spanish, Italian


Senior Software Engineer in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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